Chindit Awards - Distinguished Service Order

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Lieutenant-Colonel (acting) N.F.B. Shaw D.S.O.

[Transcript of Recommendation of Award]

Distinguished Service Order - Chindits Awards


77th Indian Infantry


3rd Indian


3rd Bn 6th Gurkha Rifles

Date of

16th July 1944

Regtl. No.

IA 203

Rank and Name

Actg Lieut-Colonel Noel Frederick Bridgeman SHAW

Action for which recommended -

Lieut-Colonel Shaw took over command of 3rd Bn 6th Gurkha Rifles on 10 May 44 when his C.O. had to be evacuated.

Lieut-Colonel Shaw’s battalion carried out a series of successful reconnaissances of the defences of Moguang during the period 16-26th May 44 which resulted in the Brigade obtaining surprise on its initial attack on the outposts on the hills.

Later during the battle of Mogaung his battalion carried out a series of successful attacks against enemy dug and wired-in positions including Lakum, Pt 610, capture of Mahaung, capture of Pin Hmi Bridge, Mogaung River and 1st and 2nd battles of Natyigon. Pin Hmi Bridge position was strongly held by the enemy and the approaches were through marsh and deep mud up an embankment. It was vital that this position should be taken. After an advance from the rear and after one attack had failed Lieut-Colonel Shaw himself went to the front and successfully led an attack which resulted in its capture.

At Natyigon his battalion captured the railway bridge position which consisted of a series of interlocking strong points each manned by 20 men covered by defence artillery and mortar fire. In spite of this, Lieut-Colonel Shaw’s skill, determination and courage resulted in the capture of the nodal point of the defence.

This officer has taken an active part in more attacks and actions than any other officer in this Brigade. He has fought in over twenty hard actions. He has shown courage of an exceptional nature. His leadership and the confidence of his men in most trying conditions of heavy casualties, losses of all his officers and appalling weather conditions has been outstanding. But his great ability in his excellent tactics in overcoming the enemy in attack wherein he attains his objective with the minimum casualties. In battalion attacks he has shown consummate skill in playing and execution. He is a most outstanding Battalion Commander.

Dated 16 July 44. SHADUZUP.

Recommended By

Brigadier J.M. Calvert, DSO
Commander 77 Ind Inf Brigade

Honour or Reward

Distinguished Service Order

Signed By

W. Lentaigne, Major General
Comd. 3 Ind.Div.

G. Giffard, General
C-in-C 11 Army Group

(London Gazette 26.04.1945)
