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[Transcript of Recommendation of Award]
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Action for which recommended -
The success of operation THURSDAY was due in a very large measure to the inspired leadership and example of Brigadier TULLOCH.
On the first night of the operation when a series of catastrophes had been reported the cool confidence and imperturbability of this officer filled all concerned with a determination to carry the operation through regardless of losses.
When matters were doubtful on the Southern field of CHOWRINGHEE, Brigadier TULLOCH did not hesitate to pay a personal visit to this most exposed field to ensure the success of this vital part of the operation.
Throughout the operation he gave a high example of personal courage and readiness to take the risks which an operation of this hazardous nature demanded.
Prior to the operation he made several reconnaissance flights in unescorted planes in areas dominated by fighter airfields. These reconnaissance and his thorough and pains-taking work and personal example of courage and confidence were a vital contribution to the success of the operation.
In this also he was assisted by his intimate knowledge of air logistics, derived over a long period of liaison with the R.A.F. and his indefatigable and meticulous attention to detail.
He proved exactly the right combination of cool courage, wisdom, and a complete grasp of the military realities. This combination of qualities is rare in war and Special Force was most fortunate to have his services during this most crucial and important operation.
(Signed) O.C. Wingate
Major-General G.O.C. 3 Ind. Div.
Honour or Reward
Signed By
W.J.Slim Lieut-Gen
G.O.C-in-Chief, Fourteenth Army
G. Giffard, General
C-in-C 11 Army Group
(London Gazette 18 May 1944)