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[Transcript of Recommendation of Award]
Date of
Regtl. No.
Rank and Name
Action for which recommended -
During the night 6/7 April 1944 three platoons of 3/6 Gurkha Rifles were ordered to move by dispersal groups from Thazi woods to the north of the Henu block and to ambush any Japanese withdrawing north from the Henu block. Capt. Gordon was in command of the Commando platoon. During the early hours of the morning 7th April 1944, this Officer’s platoon was attacked by the enemy. Capt. Gordon was wounded early on in the fight, but continued to direct his platoon, encouraging them by his cool presence and complete disregard for his own safety.
As a direct result of his actions, the platoon beat off the enemy who withdrew in confusion.
During the withdrawal to the Henu block, Capt. Gordon although deprived of the use of his right arm was right up at the head of his platoon, encouraging and cheering his men.
Throughout the campaign this Officer’s conduct has been of the highest quality.
(Signed) N.F.B.Shaw, Major
Comd. 63 Coln.
3/6 Gurkha Rifles.
April 1944.
Major N.F.B. Shaw
Comd. 63 Coln. 3/6 Gurkha Rifles
J.M.Calvert Brigadier
Commander 77 Ind Inf Brigade
Honour or Reward
Signed By
W. Lentaigne, Major General
Comd. 3 Ind.Div.
G. Giffard, General
C-in-C 11 Army Group
(London Gazette 26.04.1945)